OX for Application Security Posture Management [ASPM]

Unified SCA, SAST, and Secret Scanning, offer a single pane of glass to manage application security: Map applications, identify risks, consolidate findings, and drive proactive risk management.
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Hyper integration

OX secures application development by integrating with developer workflows and CI/CD pipelines, making it easy for developers to act on results.

Diminish alert fatigue

OX aggregates, normalizes, correlates, and contextualizes alerts, providing actionable prioritization so teams can focus on critical vulnerabilities and strengthen application security.
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Faster time to remediation

Unifying all AppSec source data improves security teams' abilities to find and fix software vulnerabilities, reducing the likelihood of compromise and breach.

Simplify Your AppSec with Complete Visibility

Powered by an AppSec Data Fabric, the OX Active ASPM Platform delivers a single pane of glass, streamlining security analysis by normalizing, aggregating, and enriching data from both external and proprietary sources:


Replace your existing SCA with the OX Active ASPM Platform for enhanced security coverage and efficiency:

Comprehensive Scanning: OX integrates proprietary SCA technology into a unified application security platform, combining SAST, container security, SBOM, IaC, Git, and CI/CD to protect secrets, PII, artifacts, and cloud environments.

Superior Vulnerability Management: OX’s ASPM solution analyzes open-source packages and licenses, using a 3-layer model to prioritize vulnerabilities by exploitability, reachability, and business impact, reducing false positives by 97%.

Streamlined Issue Resolution: OX links container issues directly to the code, enriches reports with SBOM details, and provides detailed Dockerfile insights, turning alerts into actionable steps for secure, efficient remediation.

Secrets Scanning

Secrets Scanning

Strengthen your security posture and manage application risk with the OX Active ASPM Platform, offering robust protection, visibility, and efficiency:

Secrets Detection: OX scans your codebase, repositories, and environments to detect and safeguard against exposed secrets, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Integrated Protection: Seamlessly integrated into the platform, OX ensures that sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and tokens are not exposed in code repositories, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches.

Proactive Risk Mitigation: OX’s proactive approach detects and mitigates risks associated with leaked or hard-coded secrets, helping to maintain a secure development process and protect your critical assets.

scret scanning
Container Security

 Container Security

Upgrade your container security with the OX Active ASPM Platform, offering enhanced visibility, traceability, and efficiency:

Improved Traceability: OX links container security issues directly back to code, reducing manual triage efforts and significantly shortening response times by efficiently tracing the attack path and associated risks.

Advanced Triage & Prioritization: With severity factors that incorporate container exposure, OX enhances threat prioritization, enabling quicker understanding of vulnerabilities and their impact, and speeding up remediation efforts.

Seamless Integration with No-Code Automation: OX integrates advanced container security into its No-Code Workflow Automation, ensuring accurate reporting and responsive actions without manual intervention, helping you maintain a secure and efficient development process.

Container Security

Getting started is easy

Bake security into your software pipeline. A single API integration is all you need to get started.